How Website Design Improves your Website’s Conversion Rate


Conversion rate is by far the most important metric to measure your digital ROI. No matter how large your website’s traffic is, if you are failing to convert, all you are efforts are in vain.

Although conversion rate depends on a number of factors, your website’s design is undoubtedly one of the most crucial.

While most marketeers spend their major efforts on SEO, social media marketing, paid advertising and other means to attract visitors and generate leads, they often overlook the importance of incorporating a propitious design to their website.

A poor design lowers conversion rate and causes visitors to bounce back. Something you totally don’t want for your website. Well, by employing sound website design you can not only boost online conversion rate but also create an everlasting customer experience.

The key is to keep your ‘Customers’ at the center of your online marketing strategy. The better you know your customers the better you will be able to engage them and ultimately convert them.

We have covered some of the important aspects that can help you design a terrific website that will ace conversions for you.

Limit the choices

Showing more content on your webpage and stuffing it up can distract customers from real action. Increasing number of choices make it difficult to make decision.

In order to create a highly optimized CR, you need to take out distractions and converge user’s focus on what is more important.

Just think about all the important decisions users have to take after visiting your website besides navigating from one page to another.

Use white space to give your landing page a breathing air. Restrict elements on each page. And show what is significant.

Be user-friendly

Your website’s usability is the key. The more simple and easy you make it for your visitors to navigate and browse information, the greater conversions you can drive from it.

Usability is one of the key feature you must consider while getting your website ready.

Depending on the nature of your website, the usability can vary to include some features while exclude others. But the ultimate goal should be make it as user-friendly as possible.

Use aesthetics to please

An appealing website is more likely to attract and retain visitors. Using aesthetics right can help you elevate the your website’s conversion rate.

The colors you choose and the visual elements you place on your website greatly influence the visitors psychology. The visual representation not only contributes in purchasing decision but also enhances brand loyalty and customer experience.

You can use website aesthetics to your advantage. A pleasing website not only attracts visitors but also helps you convert visitors into customers.

Make it multi-device responsive

Make sure your website is responsive on all platforms. Apart from desktop, users may access your website using mobile devices. In order to grab these users and convert through mobile devices you need your website to respond on these devices.

Design, test, re-design

No matter how appealing your website’s design it always have room for improvements. You need to continuously test new improvements in your design to understand which resonates better than others.