Top Industries That Use MS SharePoint & Its Benefits


The SharePoint platform is the proverbial ‘Golden Goose’ because it keeps on giving.  In our earlier blog posts, we provided a brief introduction to SharePoint, followed by some great advice on workflow optimization. We have already discussed templates, a comparison of SharePoint and OneDrive for Business, and SharePoint intranet, etc. We even provided our clients with a user-friendly manual that explains SharePoint’s fundamentals.

Today, we’re going to try something new in this blog. Here, we will talk about the advantages of using SharePoint and explain why, in our opinion, it behaves somewhat like a chameleon, changing its appearance to blend in with its surroundings each time. Depending on how they choose to use it, it has the potential to bring various values to various organizations.

If you haven’t been keeping up with our blog, here’s a digested version of what SharePoint is all about. SharePoint is one of the best web-based collaborative platforms available, and it integrates well with other apps in the MS Office Suite. That means your company can quickly and easily integrate SharePoint with the other tools available in Office 365 (such as the apps you already use, email access, etc.) and reap the benefits of a streamlined, centralized system for managing documents.

SharePoint is used by businesses of all sizes for a variety of reasons. On top of that, 80% of these businesses are among Fortune 500 Companies. SharePoint allows businesses to streamline data across the company, automate repetitive tasks, and work in a safe and user-friendly environment. When it comes to SharePoint’s advantages, the benefits discussed here are just the tip of the iceberg. Once, you will start using the platform then you will come to know how magnificent this tool is.

Uses of Microsoft SharePoint In Various Industries

Microsoft SharePoint has a wide range of internal implementation domains. It has multiple applications, including innovation, HR, and knowledge management. SharePoint was initially designed as a platform for private intranet and extranet use, but it remarkably expanded to serve as a content management system (CMS) for public websites. Let’s put things in context by looking at the practical advantages and uses of SharePoint in a variety of industries.


One of the world’s largest markets is the healthcare industry. Overall, healthcare costs are calculated to be more than $3 trillion annually in the US. The correct answer is in the trillions, as you correctly guessed. The craziest part, though? Still, experts predict growth of up to 5% within the next few years. In a situation involving trillions, a difference of even 5% is significant.

Healthcare, while lucrative, is also a highly regulated field. In the healthcare industry, there are some rules and regulations that must be followed. Searching for sensitive information, controlling access to patient records, and other similar tasks are just a few of the many important functions that most healthcare providers must perform with extreme care.

Most healthcare organizations greatly value SharePoint’s options for document organization and management. Inside one centralized and secured location, doctors can keep patient information, insurance paperwork, electronic medical records, admission paperwork, and discharge summaries.

When doctors have access to a patient’s complete medical record, they can easily track their care histories. They can review their treatments and use the search bar to search for any specific patient’s information and review their notes. SharePoint not only keeps their vital information safe and secure but also makes it easily accessible with just a few clicks.

Above all, security is the main concern for healthcare facilities. Information stored by these businesses is highly confidential. The privacy of patients’ information is paramount. SharePoint provides a safe and transparent platform for healthcare organizations to manage their data and files.

Human Resource Management

HRM is another industry where SharePoint’s contributions are incredible. Business organizations are widely using SharePoint-based solutions and portals to manage employee information, automate onboarding, manage performance reviews, store HR documents, and keep a close watch on employee training.

For instance, before we developed a bespoke SharePoint-based solution for a client company, the organization wasted significant amounts of time processing job applications. They have piles of applications to do the tasks and only select the most promising candidates for interviews. The company’s hiring managers claimed that they usually require 45-60 minutes per applicant to determine if the candidate is a good fit for the company.

To serve the needs, we developed an app in SharePoint that helped HR employees quickly and easily identify promising candidates and eliminate the rest. For the app we built, we required applicants to answer some personal questions before submitting their resumes. Managers watched the videos they recorded and uploaded through SharePoint Portal App. Later, they only call top applicants for in-person interviews.

Read also → Improve Corporate Communication Using SharePoint Online

Microsoft SharePoint has been useful not only in the hiring process but also in the onboarding phase. Recently, we created a bespoke SharePoint-based LMS for a complete clinical research organization that focuses on oncology, respiratory, neurology, and rare diseases. The business needed to implement this to aid in the education of its future workforce.

The company used to spend a lot of time educating their potential hires, so we built them a custom learning management system (LMS) with a variety of courses consisting of learning activities. educational videos, and formative assessments. After a candidate has been through the hiring process and succeeded in the required training, he gets a certificate of completion via mail from the LMS used. These two use cases highlight SharePoint’s potential for streamlining and simplifying HR processes.

Finance & Banking

Information is the lifeblood of the banking and finance sector, and everyday banks process vast amounts of data. This information often passes through the hands of numerous parties at different levels of clearance.

There is a strict organizational structure at every bank. And, the most critical tasks include setting up a steady stream of data and getting accurate information to the right people. The main functions and values that every banking system requires include access to key forms and process documentation. Further, it requires search capabilities; effective data presentation and sorting the ability to update content promptly; stability; and the highest level of security possible.

Still, banks, like any other type of business, must constantly seek out new customers. Financial institutions rely heavily on sales to maintain a competitive edge in the marketplace. It takes finesse and complexity to navigate the banking sales cycle. It needs careful planning and execution to succeed. SharePoint can be useful for organizing sales activities and supporting sales, despite its uncommon use for this purpose.

Not too long ago, a bank sought our advice to help them fix their sales department. They need a method that will assist in standardizing all of their promotional materials. Managers believed the sales team’s lack of on-brand presentation was hurting their ability to close deals. Consequently, they required a method to assist them in developing presentations that meet the bank’s requirements.

We developed a system that promptly allowed them to easily organize, modify, repurpose, and combine built-in PowerPoint slides and templates to rapidly produce professional-quality presentations. The salespeople just needed to see slides in the order they deemed fit, give their presentation a new name, download it, and then send it on to the client. It’s a piece of cake. Simply by using this system, the bank was able to eliminate a major bottleneck in its sales process. It also helped in freeing up resources to focus on activities that had a greater impact on the company’s bottom line.

There you have it: SharePoint’s widespread utility across three distinct business sectors. Do you want to learn how Microsoft SharePoint can benefit your company? Don’t hesitate to contact Code Creators Inc. because we love hearing from our users.