Trends in Mobile App Development


Over the past few years, an exploded usage of mobile application has been witnessed. With an ever increasing adoption of advance mobile phones, the tech savvy consumers of the modern times are progressively using mobile applications for everything they do; ranging from ordering food to ticket booking and from bank transactions to watch movies etc. Today, the world has turned into a digital sphere, where our abilities to do any difficult task are interlinked with the technological developments. This has given the rise in demand of functional applications and subsequently in an extensive interest in mobile development. Since a mobile application store of an operating system has become a free playing field, it has given anyone the opportunity to develop an application, which can be the next runaway success. With the technological advancements, there are a number of trends that one should watch out, because there is a lot new in the app store not only for the developers but also for the users.

1. New Smarter Prospects for IoT

Internet of Things has already become a trillion-dollar industry, and in the next five years, over 5 billion users are estimated to be consuming the technology driven by IoT in one way or the other. Presently, the IoT technology is extensively present in modern smart thermostats, wearable technology, dimmable streetlights and smart bulbs etc. The years ahead are expecting the similar technology to be quickly adopted in mobile development, while providing improved personalized user experience through various smart devices.

2. Mobility & Acceleration

With the overwhelming amount of information that is available across the internet and the constrained amount of time that we have, we hardly prefer to wait for seconds to get the web page load on our screens. Hence, to keep the user engaged, the market leaders keep on offering innovative option that targets grabbing users’ attentions and improving user experience. Accelerated Pages is another innovation which speed up the load time over mobile interface. And as we don’t want to wait longer for our search result, the acceleration has become the next unavoidable mobile development trend.

3. Premium Quality UX

The smartphones users today anticipate their mobile application to offer more relevancy in terms of content and greater intuitiveness that suits their individual preferences along with nice interface and user experience. The upcoming years will be requiring developers to focus more on responding the scorching customer concerns related to the app security and user permission.

4. Cloud Technology Is Completely Abode

Cloud technology is not a surprise anymore. Everyone from a regular consume to a tech-pro is familiar with the doles and paybacks of cloud technology. Currently, cloud technology is not only easy to implement, fast and inexperience, but it also offers a great working argument for both small and large enterprise. Google Drive, OneDrive and Dropbox are only the glimpse; and we can expect some more powerful applications that can directly run over cloud while taking the minimal phone storage. Data synchronization between the phone and desktop are also going to see enormous acceptance.

5. Enterprise App Store Is the Next Big Thing

Enterprise mobile app development is undoubtedly the next big thing which is gravitating the developers towards itself. The reason behind this is the increased facilitation that it offers in connecting the large teams, while offering greater tracking abilities and KPIs that are needed by every large and small business nowadays. With the increased B2B interaction, a marvelous opportunity is coming the way to modern developers.