How To Integrate Power BI With SharePoint For Better Data Visualization


Power BI is an excellent tool for data visualization and analysis; while SharePoint is a powerful platform for document management and collaboration. Additionally, integrating Power BI with SharePoint can bring many benefits to organizations, including easier data sharing and improved data visualization. In this article, we will explore the process of integrating Power BI with SharePoint; the benefits of this integration, and some tips for maximizing its potential.

Understanding Power BI & SharePoint

So, before we dive into the integration process, let’s briefly define what Power BI and SharePoint are and how they work.

Power BI is a business analytic tool developed by Microsoft. It allows users to create interactive reports, dashboards, and visualizations from a wide variety of data sources. In addition to it, Power BI can connect to multiple data sources, including Excel spreadsheets, cloud-based data services, and on-premises databases.

On the other hand, SharePoint is a web-based platform developed by Microsoft that provides a wide range of features for content management, collaboration, and document sharing. Other than that, SharePoint can also be used to create websites, intranets, and extranets, as well as to store and manage files and documents.

Integrating Power BI with SharePoint

Integrating Power BI with SharePoint can be done in several ways, depending on your organization’s needs and preferences. Here are some of the most common methods:

Embedding Power Bi Reports In Sharepoint Pages

Firstly, the easiest way to integrate Power BI with SharePoint is by embedding Power BI reports in SharePoint pages. This allows users to view and interact with Power BI reports directly within the SharePoint environment, without the need to switch between different applications.

To embed a Power BI report in a SharePoint page, you first need to publish the report to the Power BI service. Once the report is published, you can generate an embed code that you can copy and paste into a SharePoint page.

Using The Power Bi Web Part For Sharepoint

Next, you can integrate Power BI with SharePoint by using the Power BI web part for SharePoint. This is a built-in feature of SharePoint that allows you to embed Power BI reports and dashboards directly into SharePoint pages.

To use the Power BI web part, you need to have the appropriate permissions in SharePoint and the Power BI service. And, once you have these permissions, you can add the web part to a SharePoint page and configure it to display the desired Power BI content.

Using The Power Bi Report Server

If you have a self-hosted version of Power BI called Power BI report server, you can integrate it with SharePoint using the Power BI report server web part. Basically, this web part will allow you to display reports from the Power BI report server directly in SharePoint pages. To use the Power BI report server web part, you first need to install and configure the Power BI report server. Once the report server is set up, you can add the web part to a SharePoint page and configure it to display the desired reports.

Benefits of integrating Power BI with SharePoint

Integrating Power BI with SharePoint can bring many benefits to organizations, including:

Easier Data Sharing &Collaboration

By integrating Power BI with SharePoint, you can make it easier for users to share and collaborate on data. SharePoint provides a centralized platform for storing and managing data, while Power BI provides powerful visualization and analysis tools. Combining these two platforms can help users collaborate more effectively and make better-informed decisions.

Improved Data Visualization

SharePoint provides a great platform for displaying data in a visually appealing way. Therefore, by integrating Power BI with SharePoint; you can take advantage of the advanced data visualization capabilities of Power BI to create stunning reports and dashboards that can users can easily access and share with each other.

Better Insights And Decision-Making

By combining the data management capabilities of SharePoint with the analytical capabilities of Power BI, organizations can gain deeper insights into their data and make more informed decisions. Moreover, Power BI provides powerful data analysis and visualization tools that can help users identify trends, patterns, and outliers in their data. On the other hand, SharePoint provides a platform for storing, managing, and sharing data across an organization. Also, by integrating these two platforms, organizations can gain a more complete view of their data and make better-informed decisions.

Greater Efficiency

Integrating Power BI with SharePoint can also help organizations become more efficient by streamlining data management and analysis processes. Instead of having to switch between different applications to view and analyze data, users can access all the information they need from a single platform. This can help reduce the time and effort required to perform data analysis tasks, enabling users to focus on other important tasks.

Read also → Top Industries That Use MS SharePoint

Tips for maximizing the potential of Power BI and SharePoint integration

Here are some tips for maximizing the potential of Power BI and SharePoint integration:

Start With a Clear Plan

Before integrating Power BI with SharePoint, it’s important to have a clear plan in place. Identify the specific business problems you are trying to solve and the data sources you will be working with. This will help you determine the best integration approach and ensure that the integration meets your organization’s needs.

Ensure Data Quality

Integrating Power BI with SharePoint requires high-quality data. Make sure your data is clean, accurate, and up-to-date before integrating it with Power BI. This will help ensure that your reports and dashboards provide reliable and accurate insights.

Use Security Best Practices

Security is a critical consideration when integrating Power BI with SharePoint. Make sure you follow security best practices, such as using appropriate permissions and access controls; to ensure that your data is secure.

Leverage Power BI’s Advanced Features

Power BI provides a wide range of advanced features, such as machine learning and natural language processing; that can help you gain deeper insights into your data. Take advantage of these features to enhance your reports and dashboards and uncover hidden patterns and trends.

Monitor & Evaluate Performance

Regularly monitor and evaluate the performance of your Power BI and SharePoint integration. This will help you identify any issues or areas for improvement and ensure; that your integration continues to meet your organization’s needs.


Integrating Power BI with SharePoint can bring many benefits to organizations, including easier data sharing, improved data visualization; better insights and decision-making, and greater efficiency. By following best practices and leveraging advanced features; organizations can maximize the potential of this integration and unlock the full power of their data.